Harry Potter Is Making A New Trans Movie

Harry potter is a company and art director based in London, UK. Currently working making a new Movie

This is the new Trans Harry potter

Never Ending Story Of The Trans Wizard

Gandalf is making a comeback and will be played by none other than Rowan Atkinson its going to be amazing

The Trans Wizard Meets Voldemort

Voldemort and Harry Potter Will Be Dating

Voldemort will be wearing makeup and has grown a goatee he also got rid of his blue makeup because it was very racist to smurfs he will also be big boned

Even dobby has became queer

Dobbies Job In Harry Potter is to go and find the lost stone of the gay with Harry and Voldemort because a evil person has taken it and made all sorts of bad stuff happen such as fat shaming gay shaming and all that not very nice stuff

As you can see dobby has gained a bit of weight and he now wears makeup he will come out of the closet as gay in the new movie

I can not wait until the release date comes out

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